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GranVida Art Therapy Workshop: Part 3, First Trimester
3D's Online Zoom Room
Partager cet événement :
Samedi 27 Juil 2024 10:30 - Samedi 27 Juil 2024 12:00 | 45.00$


GranVida Art Therapy Workshop: Part 3, First Trimester
In this final workshop of the first trimester we will reflect on what we have uncovered.

Like in the first trimester of a pregnancy we are slowly growing into a different body.

In this moment, we have never experienced this body before and it is a choice to either resist or enjoy the process of this change.

In this class we will examine how we are handling the changes within ourselves and reflect on the process of growth and the events that left a mark on our life experience.

In creating part three of our masterpiece, we will uncover influential truths and DECIDE if that continues to SERVE US.

If you have been to previous classes please bring you same canvas to class and if you are new to class please show up with a canvas, medium/s of your choice and an open heart!

Please understand that being an artist is NOT necessary to participate in these workshops and regardless YOU WILL BENEFIT. These workshops are NOT about becoming an artist but rather UNDERSTANDING SELF on a deep level through the art that comes THROUGH us. Repeating this artistic practice increases our sensibilities allowing us to take better note of our own instincts, thoughts and desired lives which comes through our creations.


3D's Online Zoom Room

Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles
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Propriétaire : IMRU2
Sur BPT depuis : 07 Sept 2023


Zoom access emailed to paid participants prior to class. Emails will be sent with an overview of each specific workshop, what to anticipate and what to bring to be prepared!

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