2021 Apprentice Beekeeper Certification
Many municipalities in the State of Washington require certification for keeping Honey Bees on private property. The Inland Empire Beekeepers Association's Apprentice Beekeeper Certification Class prepares a novice beekeeper for the Washington State Apprentice Beekeeping Certification Exam.
Initial instruction will be virtual, via Zoom, over three classroom instruction dates: February 19, 2021 (6pm-8:30pm) AND February 20, 2021 (1pm-5pm) AND February 26, 2021 (6pm-8:30pm)
For the remainder of their course, students should expect to attend Field Days, 80% of which are planned to be held outside. This is dependent upon the COVID-19 phase in effect at the time of the Field Days. Alternative instruction will be offered if outside instruction is not an option.
AdresseAll Classes will be held Online (Spokane, United States)
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