One-day fundraising campaigns- such as Community Giving Days and GivingTuesday- have become an increasingly important part of the nonprofit landscape. They provide a strategy that can help to grow an individual giving program and rally supporters to get involved. And in 2025, as many organizations navigate funding freezes, difficult conversations with donors, and concerns about the economy and its effect on nonprofit giving, Giving Days are getting even more attention as a way to diversify revenue and raise unrestricted funds.
But they can also be challenging, especially when dozens (or hundreds!) of other organizations are participating alongside each other, and prospective donors' attention is pulled in a million different directions. Without being territorial, how can we create Giving Day campaigns that meet and exceed our fundraising goals?
This virtual workshop will share tools your nonprofit can use to make the most of your next Giving Day, including:
-What to say in your appeals. -Ways to tailor your messaging for specific audiences, like past donors, alumni, or volunteers. -How to work with board members and other ambassadors to reach new prospective donors. You'll leave with ideas that you and your team can incorporate into your next Giving Day campaign.
Fuseau horaire: America/Chicago
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