The Language of Harm Reduction (Live/Online)
Language is a powerful tool that intrinsically motivates people to treat others with respect or disdain. Common terminology such as Addict, Junkie, or the Homeless are still widely used and accepted terms that people use, including treatment and healthcare providers. Using generalized, stigmatizing statements about various identities of people who use drugs and/or have mental health issues can cause personal and communal injury and negative consequences. People who use drugs can internalize stigmatizing words, experience shame, and contribute negatively to their relationship with substances. There is research that shows the damaging impact of using stigmatizing language. The Person-First Language approach is a neutral approach that recognizes a person before their behavior or experience. Utilizing person-first language offers the opportunity to de-stigmatize people and their life experiences. This skill can improve connections with family, friends, members, and clients, to reduce the harm associated with the stigmatization of drug use and other stigmatized behaviors or conditions.
Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients.
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