Vessel / Sleep Talk / Benign Impact / Mike Alfieri | 7 PM at the Crown
Vessel Sleep Talk Benign Impact Mike Alfieri
$12 (including fees)
Vessel https://vesselatl.bandcamp.com/album/wrapped-in-cellophane "Vessel is the latest export of dynamic and tight-grooved yet exploratory post-punk coming out of Atlanta. Building on a rich history of Athens art school punk and the reckless abandon of Atlanta DIY, the band is adept in their craft of calculated, yet danceable indie rock ready to break the mold." Milo McGehee and Jake Van Valkenburg
Sleep Talk Gay IndustroPUNK // loud girls https://open.spotify.com/artist/6p27cwpyfLV8QMZArwKycn
Benign Impact indie gaze walkers lost in reverb https://benignimpact.bandcamp.com/album/live-at-the-crown
Mike Alfieri avante electronic burbles | music for the isolation tank Solo project of Mike Alfieri of Tomato Flower! https://mikealfieri.bandcamp.com/album/ephemerid
AdresseThe Crown (Afficher)
1910 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
United States
Âge minimum : 21 |
Enfants bienvenus : Non |
Chiens bienvenus : Non |
Non-fumeur : Oui |
The show is in The Crown's Back Bar, which is on the ground floor w/ no steps to bathroom, restaurant, etc.. Please email us at thecrownbaltimore @ gmail.com for further inquiries. The show is GA (no assigned seating), but the bar has plenty of chairs and more upon request.
The Crown's Pink Room, which is our Second Floor Bar is stair access only.