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Art Therapy Workshop Frida Kahlo Series, Part 4 of 5, Discernment & Direction
3D's Online Zoom Room
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Thank you so much for your time today. My wish is that you received emotional relief from the time we have spent together and furthermore I hope that you can use this experience to utilize art to express yourself in the future. If after our exercise today you are feeling emotional or heavy please do drink plenty of water, hold a smile for 2 minutes and try walking in nature to ground yourself. If you are still feeling heavy then please do feel free to reach out to me via email @ IMBigVicM@gmail.com I am trained in the Mayan ways and can offer the following: Platicas (sacred conversation) Limpias (energetic cleansings) Dream analysis I also endorse legal hemp extracts to aid with overall health stress & anxiety. If you are ever interested, I would be happy to refer you to products that may also be of assistance to you in your healing journey.


Art Therapy Workshop Frida Kahlo Series, Part 4 of 5, Discernment & Direction
Art Therapy Workshop: Insight from the work of Frida Kahlo

Saturday, October 28th, 2023
10:30am - Noon MST

Focus: Discernment & Direction

5-Part Series Available: See details of Frida series below.

On a casual Saturday morning we will meet via zoom to dissect some of Fridas heart wrenching works to guide our own creativity and better understand how we feel about ourselves, our bodies, our health and our ability to manifest anew.

In this Duality workshop we will review a selection of pieces from Frida's collection and utilize them as inspiration to access our own subconscious and allow our inner child to heal.

This series as a whole is intended to help individuals reflect on love and self-healing.
It can be enjoyed individually or as a series! Each week we will focus on a different topic and utilize a selection of Frida's work to help us uncover our own subconscious truths while creating our own art.
In creating a Frida inspired artwork we will uncover some of our emotional truths through the art we create.

Not all works will be shared with the group, but some will and it is in openness and sacred conversation that we heal as a community and slowly face down our collective fears.

Please understand that being an artist is NOT necessary to participate in these workshops, yet YOU will BENEFIT!

These workshops are not about becoming an artist but rather understanding art on a deeper level and learning how to utilize art to reflect and benefit yourself emotionally whenever you need.

Zoom access emailed to paid participants one hour prior to class.

NOTE: This workshop series will be held on zoom and materials are not provided.

Materials are entirely up to the attendee's discretion, meaning that you can arrive with computer paper and crayons, or you can show up with your own canvas and paints.

This is entirely up to you and there is no wrong way to do this but as advice, I would suggest using mediums that bring you joy!

Watercolor, finger paint, oils, crayons, pencils etc. It does not matter just come with something to create with and an open heart <3

There is NO wrong way to do this!!! This is up to you, so you do as you please!

The Frida Series will run on the following Saturdays from 10:30am - Noon MST

October 7 - Our Duality - COMPLETED

October 14 - Letting go & Manifestation - COMPLETED

October 21 - Creative Visualization - COMPLETED

October 28 - Discernment & Direction

November 4 - Reframing & Positive Affirmations

Limited seats available, RSVP today.

Victoria Medina is not a Doctor, PhD, Art Therapist nor Professional Therapist.

Victoria hosts Art Therapy Workshops which provide exercises for educational purposes only and do not substitute for medical advice, diagnoses or treatment. If you suspect a mental or medical condition, please seek medical advice in addition to utilizing the exercises provided in the art workshops.


3D's Online Zoom Room

Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles
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Propriétaire : IMRU2
Sur BPT depuis : 07 Sept 2023


Zoom access will be emailed to paid participants one hour prior to class. Please be sure to check your email and junk mail. If you still do not have access email IMBigVicM@gmail.com

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