Wepa comedy is a show set out in in the melting pot of Spanish Harlem New York at Comedy of Harlem comedy club on 117 street Harlem USA! We are featuring latino Comedians from around the country & in the tri-state area, with Spanglish bilingual jokes that will have you screaming Wepa by the end of the show! Wepa means Awesome and that means its time to celebrate! So we are kicking it off for the Latino culture, Hispanics from all latino countries will be the represented base of this great line up! Produced by Edwardo Infante for Product Of Evolutions who started Wepa Comedy as a Series at a Spanish Harlem 7 years ago, we are bring it back to curate the Latino Comedy Scene and say Latino Comedy is here to stay! Wepa! Hosted by a truly funny latino hailing from Brooklyn New York Comedian Laz Rivero!
Tickets are on sale here on Brownpapertickets and at the door only $20! COVID-19 vaccinated proof and a NYS ID or a valid picture ID card at the door is a must as we have to comply with New York City covid rules regulations.
We are your ticket to quality comedy and entertainment follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram TikTok or Snap Chat at @productofevolutions.
AdresseComedy in Harlem Comedy Club (Afficher)
508 East 117th street
New York , NY 10035
United States
Âge minimum : 18 |
Enfants bienvenus : Non |
Chiens bienvenus : Non |
Non-fumeur : Oui |
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Non |