Beginning Modern Dance with Winifred Haun
Beginning Modern Dance Tuesdays 6:00pm to 7:00pm January 5 to March 16 (11 weeks) via Zoom
Beginning Modern Dance is Pay-What-You-Can. You'll receive an email with the Zoom link about 2 hours before each class starts.
Class dates: January 5, 12, 19, 26 February 2, 9, 16, 23 March 2, 9
This class is perfect for adults or teens who've never taken a Modern class before, or for those who like a slower class.
The class begins with a simple warm-up, which progresses to floor work, where we focus on strengthening and stretching abdominal and back muscles. Floor work is followed by standing exercises, where we do simple leg and feet exercises (plies and tendus). There's usually a combination, and the class ends with simple jumps.
The pace is slow, and the movements are simple and easy to follow.
AdresseZoom link will be sent by 5:15pm on the day of each class
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