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Psychedelics and Palliative Care: Historical, Research, and Training Perspectives
Cole Hall, UCSF, San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
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Psychedelics and Palliative Care: Historical, Research, and Training Perspectives
Three of the nation's top clinicians/researchers/educators in psychedelic medicine will be speaking on the history and research findings of psychedelic-assisted therapy in treating existential distress, anxiety and depression in life-threatening illnesses. Of particular emphasis will be a review of the phenomenology of psychedelic-generated mystical experience as well as the best practices for set, setting, and therapist skills to optimize these therapeutic experiences.

Anthony Bossis, Ph.D., Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Director of Palliative Care Research of NYU Cancer-Anxiety Study; Charles Grob, M.D.,  Professor of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Pediatrics and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center; and Professor Janis Phelps, Ph.D., Founder and Director of the Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research at CIIS; will discuss these exciting topics with UCSF's Michael Rabow, M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine and Urology, Director of Symptom Management Service of the Division of Palliative Medicine, and Helen Diller Family Chair in Palliative Care. Hosted by David Bullard, Ph.D., UCSF Clinical Professor of Medicine and of Medical Psychology (Psychiatry).

This event celebrates the life of Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., who died in March 2019 at age 82 after a brief illness.  He was loved and appreciated by many for his lifelong dedication to providing the world with new insights and discoveries about the scientific and medical potential of psychedelics.

Ralph, as he preferred to be addressed, collaborated with Leary and Alpert in classic studies of psychedelics at Harvard University in the 1960s, co-authored The Psychedelic Experience, and was editor of The Psychedelic Review.  He was a psychotherapist and professor emeritus at the California Institute for Integral Studies, where he was also the Academic Dean for ten years in the 1980s.  Mentor to many throughout the country, he has left a legacy in his many books of his belief in expanded consciousness as the means to saving life on this planet.

"The LSD experience usually changes forever the worldview and basic life-orientation of all who experience it." - Ralph Metzner, Ph.D.

Co-Sponsored by:

Symptom Management Service, Division of Palliative Medicine,
    University of California, San Francisco

Center for Psychedelic Therapies and Research, California Institute of Integral Studies

End Well Foundation

Net proceeds from this event will be donated to
The International Rescue Committee El Salvador.


Cole Hall, UCSF, San Francisco (Afficher)
513 Parnassus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States


Autres > Œuvres de bienfaisance
Autres > Levées de fonds
Autres > Health & Wellness
Autres > Spirituelle

Non-fumeur : Oui
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : BPC, Inc.
Sur BPT depuis : 30 Août 2015
David Bullard, Ph.D.

1-800-838-3006 (Temporairement Indisponible)
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