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Live Your Life: Album Release and Performance
Chapel Theater
Milwaukie, OR
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Live Your Life: Album Release and Performance
In April of 2020, Timothy and Liz were supposed to perform this cabaret with cover songs, but of course, we know what happened around that time.... But, over the course of the pandemic, Timothy cowrote original music for the cabaret with an LA-based song-writer Drew Lawrence, and Timothy performed it for his partner, a director, and trch crew in 2021 to be streamed on YouTube. Now, Timothy and Liz will be presenting this music for a live performance in celebration of finishing the recording of the music, and to be able to finish the project that was started more than 4 years ago. This cabaret features 9 original songs, and has a running time of approximately 75 minutes.


Chapel Theater (Afficher)
4107 SE Harrison St.
Milwaukie, OR 97222
United States
Carte en cours de chargement...


Arts > Opéra
Arts > Spectacle
Arts > Théâtre
Musique > Pop & Top 40
Musique > Interprète/Auteur

Âge minimum : 11
Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Oui
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : Timothy Lafolette
Sur BPT depuis : 17 Juil 2017
Timothy Lafolette


ADA Accessibility: The first floor of the theater is completely ADA accessible with one restroom, a ramp to the front door, and ability to see the stage from various vantage points.

1-800-838-3006 (Temporairement Indisponible)
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