CONCERT | The Great Yiddish-American Songbook, with Frank Londons Yinglish Orchestra & Singers
Yiddish Book Center Amherst, MA
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The Great Yiddish-American Songbook celebrates the joys of Yinglish, with English songs in Yiddish and Yiddish songs in Englisha linguistic tsimes from the sublime to the ridiculous. Five of the best Yiddish singers sing the greatest hits (and the not-so-great hits) of the 20th century, from Ziggy Elmans hit adaptation of the klezmer tune And the Angels Sing to Mickey Katzs deranged macaronic deconstructions of Nat King Coles Nature Boy and Frankie Laines The Cry of the Wild Goose to Lipa Schmeltzers Hasidic adaptation of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Featuring vocalists Joanne Borts, Judy Bressler, Sarah Gordon, Eleanor Reissa, and Lorin Sklamberg, with a house band directed by Frank London.