Robert returns to Dublin to reunite with Cait, the woman who captured his heart during a James Joyce literary tour thirty-five years ago. Dancing backwards through time, the older couple retrace their steps to discover their younger selves.
Through young Robbie and Caithleen, they relive the unlikely, inevitable events that brought them - only briefly - together. This time-travel love story blends wit, humor, and heartache into a whimsical and almost poetic appeal for making the most of the present before it is past.
The Dukesbay Theater (Afficher)
508 S, Sixth Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98402
United States
The Dukesbay Theater is located on the third floor in the historic Merlino Art Center building. There is no elevator in the building. Patrons must be able to climb a long staircase in order to access the venue. We apologize for any inconvenience.