Her songs are a vivid celebration of the human spirit in all its infinite manifestations, writes Don Kening- Chicago Daily Herald, her music has a singular sound that makes labeling and categorizing a waste of time.SONiA disappear fear is a world class composer and artist. SONiAs talent of writing in a variety of genres and languages has garnered her a vast following worldwide. SONiAs double CD LiVE at MAXiMAL was in the first round running Grammy for Folk Album of the Year. Looking at her touring schedule past and future one can trace decades of dedication to various humanitarian and animal rights causes. Her 2019 CD By My Silence is in response to the rise of hate and anti-Semitism around the world, while her 2020 compilation Love Out Loud encourages people to embrace their identity while highlighting the ongoing push for LGBT equality. From the Sydney Opera House to the Kerrville Folk Festival and a bomb shelter in the Negev, SONiA has shared stages and caves with many of her heroes; Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Nickel Creek, Green Day, Emmylou Harris, GEORGE, John Fullbright, Sheryl Crow, Lucinda Williams, Joan Jett, and Bruce Springsteen at the Light of Day Benefit concert (2014). She is honored to be endorsed by 7 international manufacturers including the SONiA Signature Model of Santa Cruz Guitar Company, Shubb Capos, Fishman Transducers, DAddarrio, and John Pearse Strings. The honesty of her songs touches the hearts and minds of people from a wide spectrum of social and ethnic backgrounds who share a positive world vision, says Rounder Records.
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