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Monroe Community Concert for Hope hosted by Bronn Journey
Wagner Performing Arts Center
Monroe, WA
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We hope to make this an annual Mother's Day weekend event. See you next year in 2015!


Monroe Community Concert for Hope hosted by Bronn Journey
A Monroe community talent concert with participants who sing, act, play in a string quartet, play the harp, the piano. There will be spontaneous humor and improv. It will be a fun evening to bring your mom to for her special day of Mother's Day. Family friendly for sure. ALL 100% of the proceeds will be donated to "Housing Hope," a Snohomish County Non-Profit who assists those in need for a place to live. "Housing Hope" will be breaking ground soon in Monroe to build the "East County Housing Hope Village."
Come on out for a nice, entertaining evening that will warm your heart.


Wagner Performing Arts Center (Afficher)
639 West Main St
Monroe, WA 98272
United States


Arts > Spectacle
Musique > Tous âges
Autres > Œuvres de bienfaisance
Autres > Levées de fonds

Enfants bienvenus : Oui
Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Non


Propriétaire : Phileo Music Inc
Sur BPT depuis : 15 Juin 2007
Bronn Journey

1-800-838-3006 (Temporairement Indisponible)
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