Saving Humanity
Saving Humanity follows the turbulent life of 13-year-old Humanity, a young girl growing up in a fractured home. With a mother lost in a string of fleeting romances and a sister, Naïve, who blindly follows dangerous paths, Humanity finds herself slipping deeper into the shadows of influence. Her best friend Fruity pulls her into risky encounters, and soon, Humanitys world becomes a dangerous game she never intended to play.
As darkness creeps closer and the family teeters on the edge, the only guiding light is Grandma, whose wisdom and faith may be the only things standing between the family and the unknown threats circling them.
With danger lurking in unexpected places, Saving Humanity is a gripping, suspense-filled journey where survival is uncertain, and no one is safe.
AdresseGalaxy Theatres Cannery (Afficher)
2121 E Craig Rd
North Las Vegas , NV 89030
United States
Enfants bienvenus : Oui |
Non-fumeur : Non |
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui |