Exponential Ensemble: Elements
Elements Thursday, November 7, 2024 - 7pm
Join us for the World Premiere of a Forces of Nature by Jessica Meyer inspired by The Four Elements (earth, water, air, and fire) along with other works exploring different types of natural cycles.
Christopher Cerrone: New Addresses Gilad Cohen: Post Winter Solstice Valerie Coleman: Maombi Asante Charles Wuorinen: Bearbeitungen über das Glogauer Liederbuch Jessica Meyer: Forces of Nature*
*World Premiere
Anna Urrey, Flutes Pascal Archer, Clarinets Suliman Tekalli, Violin Caleb van der Swaagh, Cello\
Join us for a pre-concert reception at 6:30pm in the 7th floor lobby.
AdresseMarc A, Scorca Hall at National Opera Center (Afficher)
330 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor (between 28th and 29th Streets)
New York, NY 10001
United States
Handicapped accessible