AEG Nisqually April Meeting: AEG 2023-2024 President - Sarah Kalika, PG, CAC, CDPH Lead I/A/S
Admission includes dinner and the talk.
Dinner is included in this month's meeting fee. The price is ($25), Educators and job seekers ($15), and students at $5.
The social starts at 6 pm, and the presentation is at 7 pm. Please note the date and location have changed.
Join us on February 13th in the Wine Room at Mercato Ristorante. 111 Market St NE, Olympia, WA 98501
Speaker: Sarah Kalika, PG, CAC, CDPH Lead I/A/S Principal Geologist, DiabloGeo Environmental Consulting President, Association of Environmental & Engineering Geologists 2023-2024
Talk title: Using Elevated Concentrations of Chromium and Nickel as an Indicator for the Presence of Chrysotile Asbestos in Serpentinite Rock Units
AdresseMercato Ristorante
111 Market St NE
United States
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