California Section, ACS - Virtual Section Meeting- Thurs., Feb. 22, 2024 @7:00 pm (PST) via ZOOM
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Education at Academic Institutions- Guest Speaker: Prof. Philip DeShong
ABSTRACT: Over the past two decades, the teaching of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR, previously called Professional Ethics) has become a regular curriculum item for both undergraduates, graduate students, and dedicated research professionals, including faculty, at academic institutions. These educational programs have been mandated in part by increased regulatory requirements from federal funding agencies, but also by larger professional and societal demands on the university. In this seminar, I shall discuss the evolution of RCR education at academic institutions and how the University of Maryland has implemented an integrated approach to RCR education beginning at the undergraduate level and continuing into the highest levels of the university's research program.
BIO: Professor DeShong obtained his B.S. Chemistry with Honors and Special Honors in Chemistry at the University of Texas at Austin and his Sc. D. in Organic Chemistry (with Professor George H. Büchi) in 1971. He joined the University of Maryland as Associate Professor in 1986 and was promoted to Professor in 1990, retiring as Emeritus Professor in 2022. His research interests include synthesis of nanomaterials with novel optical properties; synthesis and characterization of functionalized nanomaterials for applications in drug delivery, diagnostics and vaccine development; total synthesis of heterocyclic natural products, development of methodology for organic synthesis, mechanistic organometallic chemistry, synthesis of complex oligosaccharides and glycoprotein derivatives, chemistry of hypervalent silicon derivatives.
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