Family Movie Matinee & Kids' Activities for Rainier Valley Cooperative Preschool
Saturday, March 9, 10-12:30.
Prices are pay-what-you-can, suggested donation $20+ per family (1 ticket needed per family/group.)
Get your ticket to a fun-filled, star-studded morning, including:
+ A viewing of the "Quirky Connections" children's reel from NW Film Forum + Kids Dance Zone + Crafts & Face Painting + Toddler-Friendly Concessions + Spring Themed Rummage Sale + Spring Themed Raffle Items
Can't make it or live out of the area? You can still join in!
Tickets include virtual access to the film reel, to be emailed out on a password-protected Vimeo playlist the day of the in-person event. The reel will be available for one month after the event.
Access links will be sent via email after the event. Please reach out to fundraising@rainiervalleycooppreschool.org with any questions or concerns.
All proceeds support Rainier Valley Cooperative Preschool (501c3 nonprofit).
Big gratitude to the NW Film Forum for their generous sharing & support!
AdresseRVCP (in-person) + Vimeo (digital) (Afficher)
6230 Beacon Ave S
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles Informations d'Accès en Ligne Vous recevrez des instructions pour accéder le contenu digital de cet événement. Le moment et la manière dont ces instructions vous seront transmises sont déterminés par l'organisateur de l'événement. Pour garantir l'accès, utilisez une adresse courriel à jour et évitez de vous désabonner des notifications par courriel. Consultez notre Centre d'aide pour plus d'informations.
Enfants bienvenus : Oui |
Chiens bienvenus : Non |
Access links will be sent via email after the event. Please reach out to fundraising@rainiervalleycooppreschool.org with any questions or concerns.