37 Practices of the Bodhisattva
Sundays: September 10th and 24th, October 8th and 22nd, November 12th and 26th Time: 1:00 3:00 pm PT In-Person and On Zoom (link provided after registration)
These classes, led by Khenpo Jampa Rinpoche, will cover the 37 Practices of the Bodhisattva. This is an important Lojong text/mind training manual with a set of instructions composed by Gyalse Thokme Zangpo, a monk and scholar in the 14th century. It serves as a practical guide towards how to lead one's life in the practice of generating true compassion on our path to attaining enlightenment. The timeless advice in this simple yet profound teaching has universal relevance even to this day and age.
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