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Learning from Dying: Geshe Pema Dorjee in conversation with David Bullard, PhD
3D's Online Zoom Room
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Learning from Dying: Geshe Pema Dorjee in conversation with David Bullard, PhD
Geshe Pema Dorjee will be arriving direct from Delhi, India to meet with us to reflect upon the issues that arise for palliative healthcare providers who are with people - often suffering - at the end of life.  He will also be speaking at the Foundation of the Sacred Stream in Berkeley, CA, then
traveling to NYC for a five day seminar at TibetHouseUS.

We will also learn of his charitable projects, supporting children in northern India and Nepal.  For more information on these projects, please see:


Geshe Pema Dorjee was born to a nomadic family in Tibet in 1951 and escaped with his family to India in 1959. He attended the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala, India where he earned degrees in both Prajnaparamitra and Madhyamika. He became a teacher, and eventually the Director of the Tibetan Childrens Village School in Dharamsala, where he served for over twenty years, helping to recreate and preserve the Tibetan culture and education system for Tibetan children in exile. In 1995 he was awarded the Geshe degree from the Drepung Loseling monastery in South India and became the first Principal of the College for Higher Tibetan Studies. In 2001, His Holiness the Dalai Lama asked Geshe-la to revive and promote the Bodong tradition, and with aid from His Holiness, became the founder and Director of the Bodong Research and Publication Center. The Tibetan government in exile appointed him to the Higher Level Textbook Review Committee as well as spiritual counselor to former political prisoners who had been tortured. In addition to his many charitable projects in Nepal and northeast India, Geshe Pema Dorjee has taught and lectured about Tibetan Buddhism around the world and speaks English fluently.

Geshe-la will be in conversation with UCSF's David Bullard in this series he has hosted
with previous speakers including:
Thupten Jinpa, Robert Thurman, Isa Gucciardi, Eve Ekman, William (Bill) Richards, Mary Cosimano, Brian Muraresku, BJ Miller, Tony Bossis, Charles Grob, Janis Phelps, Michael Rabow, Phil Wolfson, Shira Maguen, Paul Siegel, Mark Solms and Phil Manfield

We look forward to a meaningful and interesting time together.


Division of Palliative Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

Spiritual Care Services, University of California, San Francisco
Foundation of the Sacred Stream, Berkeley, CA


3D's Online Zoom Room

Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles
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Propriétaire : BPC, Inc.
Sur BPT depuis : 30 Août 2015
David Bullard, Ph.D.

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