Cabin Fever 2023 Recordings
Cabin Fever Gardening Symposium 2023, Sustainable and Resilient Gardens featuring Benjamin Vogt. This event is an inspiring and informational virtual event with a focus on sustainable gardening. You"ll learn how to develop the skills you need so that your garden works with nature, not against it.
Due to increased demand, the recordings of Benjamin Vogt and the NW-based speakers will be available to register to view through April 18. Watch all the recordings (Benjamin Vogt until April 18; multiple Northwest-based speakers through May 31.)
After you sign up, and we have received notice, you will be sent a link to the recordings. For security precautions on the system we are using, the recordings are available for viewing for two weeks at a time. No worries, though, we will send a new link every two weeks until they expire.
AdresseTo be announced
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