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Artworks Alliance Gathering: Spring 2023
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Artworks Alliance Gathering: Spring 2023
On Tuesday 21st March 2023, the AWA gathering will be looking at Practitioners Wellbeing.

All members of the AWA network get free access to these sessions. This gathering is being organised and supported by Abi Horsfield of Collective Encounters, and will be looking at Practitioners Wellbeing. Facilitated by Abi, we will have a chance to explore and discuss how in these tricky times, the pressure on creative practitioners to be all things to all people, can be overwhelming. We will share stories and ideas about ways we can stay well.

As ever, our gatherings are highly interactive and thought-provoking, so we are looking forward to seeing you there, catching up and recharging our batteries in good company.

Topic: AWA Gathering
Time: Mar 21, 2023 10:00 AM London
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81613615080?pwd=OUp5a2dxUGtnNlpzWGFuNGFWZ1hPQT09
Meeting ID: 816 1361 5080
Passcode: 126765

Finally, please don't forget to renew your subscriptions to the Artworks Alliance if you've not already done so. We are funded entirely by member contributions, and every pound in the bank helps us to keep going.



Fuseau horaire: Europe/London
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Propriétaire : ArtWorks Alliance
Sur BPT depuis : 14 Fév 2023
ArtWorks Alliance

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