2023 WIA/NWMF Membership
Women in the Arts Membership By becoming a member of WIA youll have a major impact on our work to produce and sponsor programs that promote the visual, performing and fine arts. When you join WIA, youre helping move us all closer to a time when womens art is respected and appreciated for the real contribution to society that it is. Please help us keep this mission alive.
Women In the Arts is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose purpose is to produce and sponsor programs that promote and affirm the creative talents and technical skills of women in the visual, performing, and fine arts. The primary vehicle to meet this purpose is the production of the National Womens Music Festival. In producing this and other arts programs, WIA strives to facilitate the growth, knowledge, and empowerment of women in the other varied aspects of their lives. youll have a major impact on WIAs work to produce and sponsor programs that promote the visual, performing and fine arts. When you join the WIA, youre helping move us all closer to a time when womens art is respected and appreciated for the real contribution to society that it is. Please help us keep this mission alive.
AdresseWomen in the Arts
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