Welcome to the Dharma
This is a new, biannual program on the Essence of Buddhist Theory and Practice for the V.E.I. at Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. It's a 6-part comprehensive introduction to the essence of Buddhist theory and practice.
- Devised for Sakya Monastery by H.E. Khondung Avikrita Vajra Rinpoche - Facilitated by experienced students of Sakya Monastery. - This course, designed to be attended for six consecutive weekly sessions, is offered bi-annually and open to all. - There are no prerequisites.
This program contains six sessions in the following order: Meet the Triple Gem (January 2nd) Turning the Wheel (January 9th) The Great Vehicle (January 16th) The Middle Way (January 23rd) Meditation for Liberation (January 30th) Taking the Result as the Path (February 6th)
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