Yom Kippur
Four homos party hard for the high holy days on the anniversary of a traumatic event. But guilt hangs over them like a curse. It lives in the walls, in the food they eat, their every breath, and theyre all complicit in different ways. As the night wears on, they all must come together and begin the messy work of atonement, moving beyond blame towards uncertainty and repair.
Parley presents a virtual world premiere workshop.
Yom Kippur
by Nelle Tankus
directed by Rebecca Tourino Collinsworth stage managed by Jaime Shure
drew david combs Will Courtney Guy Oron Loren Othón
2 live online performances:
October 5 and 6
@ 7 pm PST
pay what you will
Content advisories: conversations about sexual & patriarchal violence, mentions of incest, internalized misogyny, very messy accountability process
AdresseThe World Wide Web
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