Cascade Gardener Presents Prepping for an Autumn Food Garden with Emily Bishton
Just as the late-summer harvest of tomatoes and other heat-loving crops is a huge payoff for your good garden preparations in spring, autumn is the perfect time to begin the next steps for many more bountiful harvests! This class will cover how to sow-and-grow fall and winter crops, ways to renew and protect your garden soil during the rainy season, troubleshoot any problem areas and decide on changes to make, easy ways to add new growing areas by sheet-mulching, plan crop rotations for next year, and much more! Fall is also the best time to choose and plant dwarf fruit trees and berry bushes that are pest-and-disease-resistant in our climate, and to start a home composting system that fits your garden and lifestyle and creates the best garden gold for your soil's health in years to come.
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Sur BPT depuis : 29 Déc
2020 |
Cascade Water Alliance |