Be Steadwell - Zoom Concert and Open Mic
30-minute Zoom Concert featuring Be Steadwell Be Steadwell is a musician, filmmaker, storyteller from Washington DC. In her live performances, she utilizes looping, vocal layering and beat boxing to compose her songs on stage. Be's original music features earnest lyricism, and affirming LGBTQ content. Be's goal as a musician is to make other black girls, queers, introverts and generally marginalized weirdos feel seen and loved.
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Followed by 90-minute Open Mic hosted by Nancy Scott Nancy Scott is a long-time performer who has been instrumental in encouraging other artists and promoting women's music. She hosted a monthly singer-songwriter circle at Patsy's Café in Austin for 9 years and she encourages new performers, while hosting the Living Room stage at NWMF every year. For over 45 years she has been creating songs, ranging from folk to blues blended with a touch of country, that draw upon her daily experiences and express her soul. She was selected for NWMFs open mic in 2004 and performed on the Spotlight Stage in 2007. In addition to her solo gigs, Nancy has played in the Peoples Orchestra of Austin and joined other musicians at Texas women's prisons, performed at benefits, and also did kid's shows for 6 years in the 90's. Her most recent recording is Heartprints in Clay, 1995. A new recording will be in the works within the year. She received the NWMF Jane Schliessman Award for Contributions to Women's Music in 2018.
Schedule - All shows start at 7pm (central time zone) 7pm - Nancy Scott - Open Mic 7:15 - SeekHer7 7:45-9:00pm - Nancy Scott - Open Mic
AdresseNWMF Zoom
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