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Dance into Spring 2022
The Performance Garage
Philadelphia, PA
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Dance into Spring 2022
The Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet's annual spring performance returns to the Performance Garage for the first time since 2019. The performance features original choreography by Bryan Koulman, Nino Gvazava, and Pamela Waters, as well as classical ballet staged by Melinda Pendleton and performed by the students of the academy.

Guest artist Grace Kimble -- a PAB alum and current Philadanco II company member -- will be a featured performer.

Musical interludes by young artists from the Nelly Berman school will complement the classical ballet Sleeping Beauty excerpts.

Please be aware that the Performance Garage currently requires masks for ALL audience members and proof of vaccination for audience members over 12 year of age. Attendees under 12 years of age can provide proof of vaccination OR the lab results of a recent negative COVID test. See the Performance Garage website for details and the most up-to-date information regarding their COVID policies.


The Performance Garage (Afficher)
1515 Brandywine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19130
United States


Arts > Danse
Arts > Spectacle

Enfants bienvenus : Oui
Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Oui


Propriétaire : Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet
Sur BPT depuis : 20 Mar 2015
Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet Society

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