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14th Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival
Parish Players
Thetford, VT
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14th Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival
Tickets are non-refundable (except for cancelled events) but changes may be made through Brown Paper Tickets. Please email support@brownpapertickets.com or call 800-838-3006.

We will kindly ask everyone to provide proof of vaccination or a recent (within 72 hours) negative Covid-19 test, and to be masked during the show.

14th Annual Ten-Minute Play Festival

Performance Dates:
April 21-23 at 7:30 P.M.
April 24 at 3:00 P.M.

Eclipse Grange Theatre
193 Academy Road
Thetford, VT 05074
Parking at Latham Library or Thetford Academy.

The lineup of plays:

"Close Quarters"
by Chico Eastridge
Directed by Steve LeBlanc

Cast: Franchesca Collins * Corey Armstrong

A schlubby man needs to dry his wet clothes at the laundromat, but he is one quarter short. He hatches a scheme to obtain the requisite coin, through charming an unsuspecting stranger, or, if all else fails, through thievery. His intended victim, a woman with her own problems, responds in interesting ways to his overtures and awkward attempts at slight-of-hand.

by T. James Belich
Directed by Hetty Thomae

Cast: Brenda Danielson * Kristin Clark * Suzy Psomas * Robert OLeary

Three squirrels plot to rid the yard of The Dog. This play has a lot of physical comedy in it.

"The Last Laugh"
by Robert Harders
Directed by Faith Catlin

Cast: Danielle Cohen * Ken Burchard * Faith Catlin

We are in a funeral home with a casket. The first wife is there with her friend gazing at the body of the deceased second wife. They decide to relieve the corpse of some of her things. A man enters at the end.

"Razing the Statue"
by Marilynn Barner Anselmi
Directed by Jordyn Fitch

Cast: Fauve Dela Cruz * Robert OLeary

A deathbed conversation between a young stoner and a nameless confederate statue on the chopping block.

"Dr. Tatianas Sex Advice to All Creation"
by Toni Egger
Directed by Toni Egger

Cast: Anna King * Skylar Clemens * Hunter Snyder * Kim Meredith * Toni Egger

Based on the award-winning, best-selling book, "Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation," by evolutionary biologist, Olivia Judson, this ten-minute play explores an array of unusual animal mating habits. Dr. Tatiana - the celebrated Agony Aunt to the Animal Kingdom - gives advice to everything from worms with a hundred penises, to a beetle who gives birth to her son, has sex with him and then eats him. In this play, you'll meet an armadillo, an elephant, a corpse beetle and a manatee, each with their own sexual challenges. Entertaining natural history!  

"Critics Choice"
by L.H. Grant
Directed by Brian Kenyon

Cast: Andrew Carmichael * Richard Granger * Anna King

Immediately after an opening night the two lead actors - who are also boyfriend and girlfriend - are backstage.  Unbeknownst to them a renowned critic walks in after seeing the performance. In their eyes the tone of the review is critical to their overall success. The critic has already written two reviews: one good and one bad. He will publish the good one ... for a price (two hours).

"Just Desserts"
by David MacGregor
Directed by Beata Randall

Cast: Lois Bangiolo * Steve LeBlanc * Molly Elsasser * Julie Frew

Lunchroom with coworkers. One coworker tired of having their lunches stolen repeatedly from the fridge, makes poison brownies to teach the fridge thief a lesson.

"The Way to a Mans Heart"
by Barbara Lindsay
Directed by Noor Taher

Cast: Anthony Helm * Elizabeth Durkee

A lively woman brings a warm breakfast treat to a widowed nice man. She, a widower herself, ambushes him with a marriage proposal. Sometimes an ambush is just what we need to help us see the obvious.


Parish Players (Afficher)
193 Academy Rd
Thetford, VT 05074
United States



Enfants bienvenus : Non
Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Oui
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : The Parish Players
Sur BPT depuis : 20 Juin 2018
Noor Taher

1-800-838-3006 (Temporairement Indisponible)
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