California Section, ACS WCC Virtual Meeting - Sat., February 12, 2022@ 10:30 am (PST)
"The Stories WE Tell as Women in Chemistry" About the Speaker: Dr. Fanny Frausto is currently a Senior Scientist in Product Development at the Clorox Company. There she works as a Product Developer and formulates cleaning products to meet the future needs of professional and healthcare spaces. She is the WCC Co-Chair of the California Section of the ACS and the 2022 Chair for CalACS. She is an ACS Scholars Alumna and credits the programs offered by the ACS for her success. She earned her SB from MIT and her PhD in chemistry from Tufts University studying fluorescent doped conjugated polymer nanoparticles to detect a reactive oxygen species called singlet oxygen.
At times the world can seem incredibly frightening and unfathomably exciting. Dr. Frausto will share her journey as a pre-scientist and formerly undocumented immigrant navigating the world through storytelling to get through her early education to her current chosen field of formulation chemistry and data analytics. She will share the powerful tool of storytelling, mentorship, and service and how they helped shape her world and got her through to today. She will give examples of hope, experience, and strength for those early career and mid-career scientists, and anyone who is asking what they truly want to do today.
Please contact Elaine Yamaguchi eyamaguchi08@gmail.com ZOOM link will be shared with attendees on or before the day of the event via Brown Paper Tickets
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