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Faculty Concert: "Distant Memories"
Winchester Community Music School
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This event has been modified - it will now be LIVE STREAMED ONLY. Please watch the concert live on our Facebook or YouTube channels!


Faculty Concert: "Distant Memories"
Please join Winchester Community Music School for its first faculty concert of the new year, streamed online on our YouTube and Facebook channels. Ensemble "Sonare" invites you on a musical journey that explores memories of people and places.

Folk songs--arranged through the language of established musical traditions, such as Western classical and jazz--weave stories of friendship, love, and far away landscapes. WCMS faculty violist Alexander Vavilov is joined by composer and pianist Ara Sarkissian and percussionist Fabio Pirozzolo. Each brings their own unique voice, drawing powerfully from the tradition of their respective homelands of Ukraine, Armenia, and Italy to create an experience where original composition, re-arranged folk songs, and improvised soundscapes coexist. After more than a year of forced separation and profound loss for all of us, this touching tribute to distant friends and lands holds a special place in our hearts.

As WCMS celebrates its 40th anniversary year, this program is a celebration of the range and diversity of cultures assembled under the WCMS roof. We invite you to come reflect with us on origins, traditions, and distant memories.

This event has been modified - it will now be LIVE STREAMED ONLY.

Please watch the concert live on our Facebook or YouTube channels (the event will be visible at least 1-2 days before broadcast).


Winchester Community Music School

Fuseau horaire: America/New_York
Informations d'Accès en Ligne
This program will be live streamed on our YouTube and Facebook channels (the event will be visible at least 1-2 days before broadcast). Visit www.winchestermusic.org or call 781-721-2950 for more information.



Propriétaire : Laurie Russell
Sur BPT depuis : 14 Oct 2010
Winchester Community Music School

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