BABES IN TOYLAND is a Victor Herbert operetta in Two Acts. See the Mother Goose Village, Toyland, Dancing Dolls, The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers, a Three-Headed Dragon, Mr. Barnaby and The Villains, The Piper Family, and a large supporting cast. Enjoy colorful settings, beautiful costumes, The Toyland Wedding . . . all accompanied by a live orchestra!
BABES IN TOYLAND is a Virtual Family Theatre performance with a live audience in attendance. Customers will choose one of six weekends, purchase their tickets, and will then have a streaming link for three consecutive days, Friday through Sunday, in which to view the performance online.
PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase your tickets for any of the five weekends listed, you will be sent a LINK for the virtual performance at least one hour prior to the start of the performance. When you make your purchase, please remember to include the email address to where you want your LINK sent, and the State (or Country) so we can allow for different time zones. Thank you!
Fuseau horaire: America/New_York Informations d'Accès en Ligne Vous recevrez des instructions pour accéder le contenu digital de cet événement. Le moment et la manière dont ces instructions vous seront transmises sont déterminés par l'organisateur de l'événement. Pour garantir l'accès, utilisez une adresse courriel à jour et évitez de vous désabonner des notifications par courriel. Consultez notre Centre d'aide pour plus d'informations.