Exponential Ensemble: Together
Join us for "Together", our second concert of Season 11. We will explore the different emotions triggered when people come together in friendship or conflict.
Pre-concert reception at 6:30pm.
Program (no intermission)
Allison Loggins-Hull: Kalief
Charles Wuorinen: Bearbeitungen uber das Glogauer Liederbuch
Cohen: Dances of Peril
Ailis ni Riain: Dont
Harbison: Songs America Loves to Sing
Join us afterwards for a post-concert reception
Anna Urrey, flute/piccolo
Pascal Archer, clarinet/bass clarinet
Suliman Tekalli, violin
Sofia Nowik, cello
Spencer Myer, piano
For more info visit: www.exponentialensemble.com
AdresseMarc A, Scorca Hall at National Opera Center (Afficher)
330 Seventh Avenue, 7th Floor (between 28th and 29th Streets)
New York, NY 10001
United States