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First Person: Authors Talk at KALA
KALA Performance Space
Astoria, OR
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First Person: Authors Talk at KALA
No one was surprised that my first book was about fairies, Marianne Monson says of "Finding Fairies: Secrets for Attracting Little People from Around the World," illustrated by David Hohn and co-written by Michelle Roehm McCann. A lifelong fan of fairies, Marianne wrote the book while her now adult son was napping. Finding Fairies explores worldwide lore regarding the little people. Fairies from every continent populate the well-researched and delightful pages.

Mariannes work is guided by her passions, such as the historical research that informs her novels. Mariannes current fiction focuses on influential women in history. Her 12th book, published in 2020, is titled "Her Quiet Revolution: A Novel of Martha Hughes Cannon, Frontier Doctor and First Female State Senator."  Decades before women were granted suffrage at the federal level, Cannon ran for and won a state senate seat in Utah, one of the first states to establish womens right to vote.

Marianne has ancestral ties to Utah and is an active member of the LDS Church. A self-identified feminist and Eclectic Mormon, she is fascinated by the Churchs history of empowering women. A complicated history, the early days of the Utah territory and state provided space for  women like Martha Hughes Cannon, who brought practices from her Welsh roots to heal communities on the frontier. Marriane brings this compelling history to the page with surprising detail and rich characterization.

Mariannes current project is a novel that takes place during World War II. Her research took her to Europe last year to investigate the central characters of her novel in progress, Ida and Louise Cook. These English sisters unimposing appearances and love of opera created a ruse for their covert rescue of property and people threatened by the Nazi regime.

In addition to her own writing, Marianne is committed to serving the writing community. She is the founder and president of The Writers Guild of Astoria, a non-profit organization established to build support for local literary endeavors. The Guild sponsors writing workshops, collaborates with high school writing classes, hosts a yearly Writer-in-Residence contest and retreat, as well as other events and projects that benefit the literary community on the Coast.

Marianne joins host Heather Hirschi as Augusts guest for First Person: Authors Talk. From progressive mormonism to divine feminine, the conversation promises writerly perspectives on a lively range of topics.

First Person: Authors Talk on Friday, August 20 at 8:00 pm. Doors open 7:30pm.
COVID-19 GUIDELINES. We recommend mask wearing while moving about in the venue.


KALA Performance Space (Afficher)
1017 Marine Drive
Astoria, OR 97103
United States


Arts > Théâtre

Âge minimum : 21
Enfants bienvenus : Non
Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Oui
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : Hipfishmonthly
Sur BPT depuis : 04 Août 2012
Dinah Urell

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