Mercredi 28 Juil 2021 18:00 - Mercredi 28 Juil 2021 19:00 | Gratuit |
A Virtual ICERM Public Lecture: Knotty Knits and Evening of Math and Crafts
Dr. Sabetta Matsumoto from Georgia Institute of Technology will be discussing creative crafts and math research. What can physics learn from crochet? How does a simple stitch change the stretch of a scarf, and how are modern materials and manufacturing learning from their wooly ancestors? Join Dr. Matsumoto for a talk about curvature using pattern making, symmetries using quilt squares and flags, hyperbolic space using quilting at crochet, and knot theory and coding using knits.
Dr. Sabetta Matsumoto is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is passionate about using textiles, 3D printing, and virtual reality to teach geometry and topology to the public.
AdresseICERM, Brown University's Math Institute
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