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EPAD Platform - Wednesday 24 March
Online meeting
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Booking for the March EPAD Platform has now ended - there will be another event in May. Details will be available nearer the time. Join our mailing list at www.epad.org.uk to ensure you are notified.


EPAD Platform - Wednesday 24 March
EPAD Platform is our online initiative that gives Edinburgh's professional independent performing arts practitioners a place to share their work with peers from the city's performing arts community. It will take place on Zoom.

The next EPAD Platform will take place on Wednesday 24 March 2021 from 1.00 to 2.30pm. 

The presentation will be from writer Jen McGregor and director Flavia DAvila. They will share some clips from, Fragmental, the work-in-progress piece Jen has been making during lockdown and discuss their learning about filming theatre and spoken word.

Fragmental is an autobiographical spoken word show about living with a schizo-spectrum condition. Originally intended to culminate in a live sharing, it had to be rethought as a covid-safe experience. Having to learn filming and editing techniques has been the experience of a lot of theatre makers this year but doing it with a personally revealing, self-written script added an extra challenge.

Jen worked with Flavia and Jenny Lindsay to explore the nature of theatre and spoken word and what sets a filmed piece apart from an actual film. They will lead a conversation around making digital work and offer some provocations from their experience to find out what other artists think.

There will be time for questions and feedback after the presentation.


Online meeting

Fuseau horaire: Europe/London
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Online / Streaming / Virtual

Enfants bienvenus : Non


Propriétaire : Edinburgh Performing Arts Development
Sur BPT depuis : 24 Sept 2015
Edinburgh Performing Arts Development (EPAD)

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