CalACS Sat. April 24, 2021 Virtual Earth Day Event
The California Section will celebrate Earth Week virtually this year, on Saturday, April 24th, 2021, from 11 AM to 3 PM. The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants shortly before the event. More about Chemists Celebrate Earth Week HERE -- you can download instructions for safe, fun hands-on science activities. This is a break from many years of celebration at John Muir Historical site at Martinez. An in-person event is impossible this year, but we will meet again at the grounds of this national treasure for future celebrations of John Muirs birthday and Earth Day. Our virtual event on April 24th will be a fun-filled learning event. Several hands-on-demonstrations, short lectures and explanation of activities will keep it exciting, engaging and informative. One of these activities will involve plant (flower, leaves, barks etc.) smells, guessing the smells, and building models of molecules behind these smells. The event theme is: Reducing Our Footprint with Chemistry
For updates and registration visit our sections website, Facebook page and LINKEDIN site www.calacs.org, https://www.facebook.com/californiaACS/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/california-section-american-chemical-society-74b1a91a1/
AdresseZOOM Online
Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles Informations d'Accès en Ligne Vous recevrez des instructions pour accéder le contenu digital de cet événement. Le moment et la manière dont ces instructions vous seront transmises sont déterminés par l'organisateur de l'événement. Pour garantir l'accès, utilisez une adresse courriel à jour et évitez de vous désabonner des notifications par courriel. Consultez notre Centre d'aide pour plus d'informations.