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Break Up With Plastics
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Break Up With Plastics
In this legislative session, we want Washington to break up with plastics. Join us for a special free evening event to talk about plastic and the legislative action here in the state.

As an add-on, you can also, in advance, watch a screening of the documentary, The Story of Plastic, We will send you the link.

Event details:

Break Up with Plastics panel
Tuesday, February 16
7:00 to 8:00 pm on  

Our panelists include:
- Senator Mona Das, Washington State Senate, 47th Legislative District
- Alex Truelove, Zero Waste Director at U.S. PIRG
- Karin Roemers-Klevin, Plastic Free Salish Sea
- Óskar Zambrano Méndez, Latino Community Fund of Washington
(Heather Trim, Zero Waste Washington, moderator)

No charge, but please register in advance to receive the zoom link for the evening as well as the link to watch the film as an optional add-on.

About the film:
The Story of Plastic brings into focus an alarming, man-made crisis and the heroes who are working every day to rise up against big plastic. After watching the film, we will come together to discuss how Washington can tackle plastic pollution. You'll also have an opportunity to make your voice heard.

Please contact Xenia Dolovova with questions:  Xenia@zerowastewashington.org


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Fuseau horaire: America/Los_Angeles
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Propriétaire : Zero Waste Washington
Sur BPT depuis : 09 Avr 2017
Xenia Dolovova

1-800-838-3006 (Temporairement Indisponible)
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