Cascade Gardener Series Presents Jessi Bloom
Easy Peasy Edible Gardening: Growing a Food Forest
Short description: Have you wanted to grow your own food but found it is too much work and takes too much of your time? Learn basic permaculture concepts that employ design strategies from nature, so you can grow easy peasy edibles which are low maintenance, resilient and sustainable. Plant and enjoy the harvest from your edible landscape for years to come!
Jessi Bloom is a best-selling author, award-winning ecological landscape designer, and speaker. She owns N.W. Bloom EcoLogical Services, based near Seattle, which is known as an innovator and leader in the field of permaculture, sustainable landscape design, construction and land management. Her work has been recognized by government agencies and industry organizations, and makes headlines in national media. She lives near Seattle with her two sons on their permaculture homestead, which is full of functional gardens and rescue animals.
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