CalACS Section Virtual Meeting- Tues. Jan, 26, 2021- 5:00 - 6:30 pm (PT) via Zoom "Green Laboratories in Industry and Academia: Sustainability in Practice
"Green Laboratories in Industry and Academia: Sustainability in Practice"
Please join us to learn more about green lab programs in industry and academia. Panelists will discuss their roles in setting up green labs, challenges, and how to measure success of green labs. The event will include brief presentations, followed by a Q&A.
Our Distinguished Panelists:
Kristi Budzinski, PhD - Genentech, Product Stewardship and Green BioPharma Program
Quentin Gilly, MS - Harvard University Manager, Laboratory Sustainability & Energy
Wendy Goldsby, MS - Senior Director EH&S, Amyris, Inc.
Zoom link to be shared with attendees the day of the event.
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