Opening the door to difficult conversations: Better anti-racist practices in client interactions
Please join us for a facilitated exploration with Portland-based Anti-Racism trainer and facilitator Tori Williams Douglass.
We are pleased to welcome Tori Williams Douglass to The Learning Lab for this very special event.
The focus of this interactive learning opportunity is to discover, acknowledge, and learn about the intersection of racism & real estate & how we can work to make things better.
In this workshop, we will look at the following crucial questions for real estate professionals to address:
Should I be having this conversation? How do I guide clients out of tricky subject areas? What does coded language mean and do I use it without knowing it? How can I be a resource without perpetuating racism? In what ways are redlining and steering still happening? Ugh, should my client send a love letter? How does the appraisal process perpetuate inequities? If youve found yourself asking, What can I do about racism?- or even if you havent, this conversation will help shine a light on ways to approach your business, and your clients, with an anti-racist lens.
Tori is an anti-racist educator, writer, content creator, and prolific tweeter. She grew up in Portland, Oregon. Her work focuses on creating a most-just and equitable society through training for all. She is the author of White Homework.
**ZOOM link will be emailed to registrants one day before event.
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Âge minimum : 18 |
Enfants bienvenus : Non |