ZOOM Lecture: "Inside Out" Gallery Talk with Jennifer Brooks
The Historical Society of Rockland County Invites You to Join Us for
"Inside Out: Women, Fashion & The Fight for the Vote" A Gallery Talk with Jennifer Brooks
When: Wednesday, September 16, 2020, 3-4 pm Thursday, September 17, 2020, 7-8 pm Where: ZOOM Online (Zoom link provided with your confirmed reservation) Admission: $FREE (You're welcome to sign up for free, but we sure would appreciate the extra support!)
What may have been the most significant evolution in American womens fashion happened alongside the ratification of the 19th Amendment as the New Woman proudly took her place in American society, dressed to the nines.
Join HSRC Education Coordinator Jennifer Brooks for a guided gallery talk exploring our Suffrage Centennial exhibition "Inside Out: Women, Fashion & The Fight for the Vote." Jennifer will highlight the collections items -- from women's gowns and walking suits to fashion and lifestyle accessories -- she and co-curator Christine Kowalski chose to tell the story of how the fight for womens suffrage changed fashion, and how womens fashionand liveschanged in response to suffrage.
AdresseHistorical Society of Rockland County
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