Wine with Wini
Wine with Wini BYOW Saturday, October 24 at 5:30pm You'll receive the Zoom link by or before 5:00pm on Sat., Oct. 24 (just before the event...).
Pour yourself a glass of wine, and join us on Zoom as we explore in detail how we created the Company's latest work, Steps in the Garden.
Steps in the Garden was conceived and created in the time of Coronavirus. There were many limits to what we could achieve, but these limits also created amazing opportunities.
We'll start with rehearsal video from the creation process, and you'll get to see some of the phrases that we borrowed and used to develop the dance.
You'll get to hear from Company dancers about what it was like to learn and perform the work. And you'll get to ask those burning questions you've always wanted to ask (ask us anything!).
AdresseZoom link will be sent by 5pm on the day of
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