Affordable Housing 201
The lack of affordable housing has contributed greatly to the housing crisis in America. Understanding the ways in which affordability is measured is essential to create, maintain, and sustain affordable housing across the country.
This training uses data from Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Ohio to break down the meaning of affordable housing into two sections:
* Safe and Affordable Housing * AMI and Household Affordability
Participants will be able to * Define affordability at 30% of income, including utilities * Understand Fair Market Rent * See how the lack of affordable housing may impact a family * Identify affordability for groups within Cincinnati * Understand limitations of AMI calculations * Create a family budget while including housing affordability
The Affordable Housing 201 Virtual Training is for anyone who wants to learn more about housing affordability. All are welcome!
Training Details: This is a virtual training that takes place on Zoom. Once you get your ticket, you will receive the link to the event.
AdresseThis is a virtual event (you can connect by phone or video conference).
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