AEG Nisqually Chapter March 3rd, 2020 Meeting: Pat Pringle & Ken Neal
Pizza and salad buffet is included in this month's meeting fee. The price is the same for members and non-members ($25), Educators and the job seekers ($15) and students are $5. Drinks are on your own.
The social starts at 6pm, and the presentation at 7pm.
Pat Pringle will give a short background on Critical Area Ordinances and Geologically Hazardous Areas.
Ken Neal will discuss on the Court of Appeals opinion on the appeal of Futurewise & Pilchuck Audubon Society v. Snohomish County and GMA Hearings Board. This opinion may affect geologically hazardous areas in the critical areas ordinances.
Ken will also discuss current updates to rules proposed for geologist licensing in Oregon, and the recent rules updates affecting licensure in Washington.
To prepare for the meeting review the following links. It may also be worthwhile to print them and bring to the meeting since WAC changes are sometimes hard to see on a projector:
Washington WACs on geology licensing, now in effect: https://apps.leg.wa.gov/WAC/default.aspx?cite=308-15&full=true&pdf=true
Law relating to geologists in WA: https://www.dol.wa.gov/business/geologist/docs/the-law-relating-geologists.pdf
Oregon Draft Rules on continuing education: https://www.oregon.gov/osbge/Documents/CE_Rules_Draft_7.2016.pdf
AdresseMercado Ristorante (Afficher)
111 Market St. NE
Olympia, WA 98501
United States
Chiens bienvenus : Non |
Non-fumeur : Non |