P.O.E. Comedy presents: THE COMEDY PIE Comedy Show at Forninos Pizza
Friday September 20th 2019 Product Of Evolutions presents: THE COMEDY PIE COMEDY SHOW! This comedy show will showcase some of the best comedians in the New York City area, we blend in some great veteran comedy with the new up and coming comedians seen in comedy clubs and bar shows all across the big apple. Line up and comedians coming soon, we will update you to all that is comedy as we bring the funny to the best wood fire oven pizza in NYC out in Brooklyn called Forninos Pizza at Pier 6 Brooklyn Bridge Park In Brooklyn, NY! Showtime for this show will be 9pm sharp and seating starts at 8:30pm Tickets are pre sale only $10 and $15 at the door before the show. You can call to get a ticket or purchase on here Browm Paper Tickets. We will have music, merchandise and some crowd games to keep it going in between comics and keep the laughs rolling with our host from Brooklyn NY Our host with the most has been seen hosting some of the hottest comedy shows in NYC comedy clubs like the Broadway Comedy Club and Dangerfields comedy Club, the very funny Laz Rivero! All tickets will be final sale. No dress code just look presentable This will be social event also so we will go live from the venue to social media media and have a live taping for POE Comedy network content. Enjoy the show!
AdresseFornino Pizza (Afficher)
Pier 6 Brooklyn bridge Park
Brooklyn, NY 11201
United States