Silicon Valley ONS August 2017 Educational Dinner Meeting
Speaker: Debbie Echeverria
Objective: Emerging Trends in Health Care This presentation will help practices understand both current and future healthcare trends, policies, and initiatives important to your practice, including: - Healthcare Reform: From Volume to Value - Medicare and Medicaid Audit Programs - Electronic Health Records - e-Prescribing - The Physician Quality Reporting System - HIPAA 5010 and ICD-10
Patient Access Considerations Exceptions and Appeals This presentation covers three main topics: - Description and Discussion of an Exception Versus an Appeal and the Appropriate Situations in Which to Use Each - Steps Necessary to Initiate an Exceptions and/or Appeals Process - Discussion of Resources Used to Facilitate a Successful Exception and/or Appeal Medicare Part D Overview This presentation covers four main topics: - Medicare Part D Basics - How Healthcare Reform Closes the Coverage Gap - Medicare Part D Subsidies - Medicare Resources that are Available to Help Educate Patients Specialty Pharmacy Provider (SPP) Overview This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of: - A SPP and How It Provides Services that Support Your Practice - Tools and Resources that are Available to Help Facilitate an Efficient SPP-Practice Relationship ZytigaOne™ Overview This presentation provides an overview of the comprehensive patient access support that ZytigaOne™ provides
AdresseLeft Bank French Brasseries (Afficher)
377 Santana Row #1100
San Jose, CA 95128
United States
Enfants bienvenus : Non |
Chiens bienvenus : Non |
Non-fumeur : Oui |
Propriétaire : Napa Valley ONS |
Sur BPT depuis : 31 Oct 2012 |
Silicon Valley Oncology Nursing Society |