Decoding Cooking Techniques
The techniques used in preparing a dish can impact the final outcome of the dish, distinguishing one dish from another. Understanding the techniques used for various dishes will allow you to meet the textural expectations of your guests and yourself. The importance of basic cooking techniques can lead to the understanding and execution of more advanced techniques. Topics Covered: Safe food handling
Prepping foods including dicing, chiffonade, chopping, pressing, etc.
Cooking foods including frying, searing, roasting, braising, poaching, boiling, etc.
Sauces and dressings (hollandaise, Chimchurri, reduction, etc.
By the time this course ends you will have experienced braising broiling, frying, grilling, roasting, mincing, dicing, and grating. Participants will leave with materials to use as a quick reference when trying these techniques at home.
Adresse"The Kitchen" at 2nd Harvest (Afficher)
1234 E Front Loop Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
United States