The Sturgeon Queens
Santa Fe, NM
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The Sturgeon Queens
100-year-old Hattie Russ Gold and her sister 92-year-old Anne Russ Federman have life stories that hit all the key notes of the New York Jewish immigrant experience, including a little "tsuris". They are the two surviving daughters from the famed lox and herring emporium Russ & Daughters on the Lower East Side.

The Sturgeon Queens, winner of the Audience Choice Awards at the San Diego and Palm Beach Jewish Film Festivals, is their family's story. With customers like Morley Safer, Calvin Trillin and Mario Batali, it's no wonder Russ & Daughters is still going strong 100 years later.

Live klezmer music, complimentary coffee & rugelach and optional smoked fish brunch following the screening.


1050 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505
United States


Cinéma > Festivals
Cinéma > Films
Cinéma > Avant-premières

Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Non
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival
Sur BPT depuis : 23 Oct 2013
Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival